Christian Cuff came to Deepwells on a hot muggy night that probably violated all the health department rules regarding the heat safety index. Still, the audience remained steadfast throughout the show as the sweat streamed in torrents from Christian Cuff’s face. His music was high powered and energetic. He moved and cavorted around the narrow stage charging the mike and punctuating the air with his unique brand of music blending jazz and folk. He wore his heart on his sleeve, each song a story about love and loss and disappointment fueled by an angry bitterness that captured a life and love driven by passion and desire. Between numbers he would slip into self-deprecating humor that connected with his audience. His band, a standup bass player and a sit down cellist added a haunting resonance to his music. The cellist who looked as if he had stepped off the set of Dr. Zhivago with his Lenin hat and wire rim glasses was a talent unto himself. He closed out the night with a haunting edgy cello piece that not only showed off his gift on the cello, but Christian Cuff’s willingness to turn the show over to him. Considering that most musicians usher their band off the stage to give the audience a solo performance designed to highlight themselves, this was a brave and generous gesture by Cuff.
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